i rock…

I close my eyes to take in every moment there is to behold in the darkness of the room.

As I rock my sweet Lovie to sleep I pull her chubby fingers to my lips to feel the smoothness of her skin. I find myself trying to embrace this intimate moment in the deepest part of me so that I can stuff it way deep into my memory so I will never forget the smooth touch of her skin, and this genuine contentment I have while holding her close. I feel her fingers flex and squeeze mine as if it’s her last bit of energy she can muster to fight her inevitable sleep. I chuckle with a sentimental tear (I admit I am a mushy gushy sap).

Rock, rock, rock…I continue to rock her slowly and sweetly to sleep, and begin to reflect on the day we had together. It started rough with the fussing that comes with the pain of new teeth coming in, but then I begin to smile in the still darkness of her room as I see in my mind’s eye that glittery sparkle she gets in her eye and that grin that stretches ear to ear with her mouth wide open as she giggles with a scream as she expresses her excitement to see her mommy coming to shower her with kisses.

Continuing on in my reflection, I chuckle at the sound of each “mmm” she hums with her satisfaction of each bite of her dinner. I ponder her amusement with her older brother, and the squeals of joy that burst from her belly when he comes to play.

Despite my own tired eyes, I rock and I smile longing for this moment to linger on.

Now resting on my shoulder, as she nods off to sleep with quick shallow breaths, I squeeze her tightly whispering my love to her. I then take a deep breath as I let go of this cherished moment and I lay her to bed. I leave the room praying I will never forget this moment. Sleep well my Lovie.

I am so blessed! Thank you God for blessing me with such a sweet Lovie!

4 thoughts on “i rock…

    • I am realizing how fast it is gone. Seeing Samuel at 8 years makes me ask myself, “where did the years go”? Before I know it Chloe will be 8 years and Samuel will be headed off to college. I never want to forget these sweet moments or take them for granted.

  1. It reminds me of how our Father wants us to rest in Him.. asleep in His arms.. no worries or cares. Safe and secure.

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